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Athletic Director

Athletic Director
Winter Sports Parents Meeting

If you are a MS (7th or 8th grade) or HS winter sport athlete you need to plan to attend the winter sports parents meeting on Thursday night. I will begin my meeting at 6pm in the MS gym, if you did not participate in a Fall sport and you plan to play a sport in the winter you and a parent must attend this meeting. Following my meeting at 6:45pm each individual team will have a meeting with their coaches. The only team that will not meet following my meeting is the HS basketball team as the Football team is still playing in the playoffs. So if you are a HS football player you do not need to attend this meeting. Everybody else please make sure you are signing up for whichever sport you'd like to play via final forms and get everyting filled out. Don't forget you must also have a current athletic physical as well to be able to participate. If you have any questions please shoot me an email at iceman.taylor@lucascubs.org See you all Thursday!! 

Go Cubs!!